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Acupuncture can help neuropathy pain!

Another success story!!

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

I’ve recently began treating a 51 year old female for neuropathy in her feet and hands. She also feels that the neuropathy is traveling half way up her calves. She was diagnosed with Type ll Diabetes in 2005; however, the neuropathy preceded the diagnosis. The neuropathy is much worse in her feet than her hands. She feels a decrease in some fine motor skills in her hands as well. The pain was disrupting her sleep and virtually every aspect of her life. I started her with weekly treatments and a Chinese Herbal formula in August. After a few sessions she reported very little improvement or improvement with pain returning before the next treatment. After the fourth treatment, she came in reporting no pain for the entire week. Woohoo!! After her fifth session, she reported feeling her pedicure and she was feeling my heat lamp on her feet as well. She continues her weekly sessions and will soon be able to spread her treatments out to every other week and then to a once monthly maintenance in effort to keep the pain away for good! Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can be the answer to your health concerns and conditions and will help prevent adverse conditions from developing by balancing your vital energy which in turn boosts your immune system allowing it to keep you happy and healthy!! Give me a call and let’s talk about what it can do for you!! A Votre Sante!!

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